7.1.1. metcalcpy.diagnostics.land_surface.calc_tci

metcalcpy.diagnostics.land_surface.calc_tci(soil_data, sfc_flux_data, skipna=True)

Function for computing the Terrestrial Coupling Index

  • soil_data (Xarray DataArray or Pandas Series) – The moisture variable to use for computing TCI.

  • sfc_flux_data (Xarray DataArray or Pandas Series) – The latent heat flux variable to use for computing TCI.

  • skipna (bool) – Skip NA values. Passed to Pandas or Xarray.


If Xarray DataArray’s are passed, then an Xarray DataArray containing the gridded TCI is returned. If a Pandas Series is passed, then a single TCI value is returned.

Return type

Xarray DataArray or float32


TypeError – If an unrecognized object type is passed, or the object types do not match.


Dirmeyer, P. A., 2011: The terrestrial segment of soil moisture-climate coupling. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L16702, doi: 10.1029/2011GL048268.