1. Installation guide for METcalcpy

METcalcpy is written entirely in Python to provide statistics calculations and other utilities that are used by METviewer, METplotpy, and other applications.

1.1. Python Requirements

  • Python 3.8.6

  • cartopy 0.20.2

  • eofs 1.4.0

  • imutils 0.5.4

  • imageio 2.19.3

  • lxml 4.9.1

  • matplotlib 3.5.2

  • metcalcpy

  • metpy 1.3.1

  • netcdf4 1.6.2

  • numpy 1.24.2

  • pandas 1.5.1

  • pytest 7.2.1

  • pyyaml 6.0

  • scikit-image 0.19.3

  • scikit-learn 0.23.2

  • scipy 1.8.1

  • xarray 2022.3.0

1.2. Retrieve METcalcpy code

You can retrieve the METcalcpy source code using the web browser. Begin by entering https://github.com/dtcenter/METcalcpy in the web browser’s navigation bar. On the right-hand side of the web page for the METcalcpy repository, click on the Releases link. This leads to a page where all available releases are available. The latest release will be located at the top of the page. Scroll to the release of interest and below it’s title is an Assets link in small text. Click on the inverted triangle to the left of the Assets text to access the menu. To download the source code, click on either the zip or tar.gz version of the source code and save it to a directory where the METcalcpy source code will reside (e.g. /home/someuser/).

Uncompress the compressed code using unzip <code> for the zip version or tar -xvfz <code> for the tar.gz version.

1.3. Install METcalcpy package

It is recommended that one works within a conda environment when using the METcalcpy package. Please refer to https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest for more information abount conda as a package and environnent manager.

To install METcalcpy, activate your conda environment that contains all the necessary Python packages listed above in the Python Requirements section. From the command line, cd to the directory where you stored the METcalcpy source code, e.g. /User/someuser/METcalcpy. From this directory, run the following:

pip install -e .

This instructs pip to install the package based on instructios in the setup.py file located in the current directory (as indicated by the ‘.’). The -e directs pip to install the package in edit mode, so if one wishes to make changes to this source code, the changes are automatically applied without the need to re-install the package.

Note: In a future release, METcalcpy will be located on PyPI (Python Package Index) to facilitate installation into a virtual environment or conda environment using `pip <packagename>. `

1.4. Explore METcalcpy modules

There are numerous statistics tools and other useful utilities available in METcalcpy. To examine what is available, open a Python console from the command line by entering python at the command line.

Verify that this console’s version of Python is consistent with the version required in the Python Requirements section by looking at the output:

% python
Python 3.6.3 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Dec  9 2017, 16:20:51)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

The first line of output from the console contains information about Python, followed by information about your operating system. In this example, the Python version that was installed in the conda environment is consistent with the required version.

At the console prompt, enter import metcalcpy then enter return to import all the packages and modules in METcalcpy. If the METcalcpy package was correctly installed in this active conda environment, a new console prompt is returned:

>>> import metcalcpy

To view all the available modules and packages, enter help(metcalcpy):

>>> help(metcalcpy)

You should see some output like the following:

   metcalcpy - This module contains a variety of statistical calculations.

    contributed (package)
    util (package)

Packages (which are directories in the source code that contain Python modules) are indicated by (package) next to the name. Enter q to return to the console prompt. To find out more about a module of interest, explicitly import it via from metcalcpy import <module> (where <module> is the module of interest). For example, look at the methods that are available in the compare_images module:

>>> from metcalcpy import compare_images
>>> help(compare_images)

One can access the pydocs (Python documentation) from the compare_images module (compare_images.py) by entering help(<module>). This provides valuable information about the module (or package) such as the available methods and their method signatures (or in the case of packages, any available modules). Enter return or the spacebar to scroll down to the next line or page of the output. When finished viewing, enter q.

To access other packages, such as the util package from METcalcpy, import it:

>>> from metcalcpy import util
>>> help(util)

which give output like this:

Help on package metcalcpy.util in metcalcpy:



To obtain information on the utils module in metcalcpy.util, do the following:

>>> from metcalcpy.util import utils
>>> help(utils)

Produces information that looks like the following:

Help on module metcalcpy.util.utils in metcalcpy.util:

    metcalcpy.util.utils - Program Name: met_stats.py

    aggregate_field_values(series_var_val, input_data_frame, line_type)
      Finds and aggregates statistics for fields with values containing ';'.
      Aggregation  happens by valid and lead times
        These fields are coming from the scorecard and looks like this: vx_mask : ['EAST;NMT'].
        This method finds these values and calculate aggregated stats for them

               series_var_val: dictionary describing the series
               input_data_frame: Pandas DataFrame
               line_type: the line type

               Pandas DataFrame with aggregates statistics

    calc_derived_curve_value(val1, val2, operation)
      Performs the operation with two numpy arrays.
      Operations can be

1.5. Using METcalcpy modules

From within the active conda environment, use the METcalcpy packages and and modules of interest in your code. For example, in the METplotpy performance_diagram.py file, the event_equalization method is imported in the following manner:

import metcalcpy.util.utils as calc_util

which is then used in the code:

self.input_df = calc_util.perform_event_equalization(self.parameters, self.input_df)