3. METcalcpy 1.1.0 Release Notes
When applicable, release notes are followed by the GitHub issue number which describes the bugfix, enhancement, or new feature: METcalcpy GitHub issues.
3.1. Version 1.1.0 release notes (2022-03-11)
3.1.1. Version 1.1.2 release notes (20221118)
Bug Fix:
Fixed Heidke Skill Score Calculation Discrepancy (#239)
3.1.2. Version 1.1.1 release notes (20220727)
Bug Fix:
Automatically reorder the data so regimes match between forecast and observations
3.1.3. Version 1.1.0 release notes (20220311)
New Functionality:
Add OMI and RMM statistics (#89)
Add calculation of CTC statistics (#77)
Add sorting of CTC dataframe by fcst_thresh (#75)
Add calculation of the Scatter Index statistic (#108)
Add Zonal and Meridional mean calculation from basic.py (#126)
Add supporting functionality for ECLV plot (#128)
Add vertical_interp support for multiple pressure coordinate systems (#63)
Change ‘,’ as a separator for the series group to ‘:’ (#117)
Enhance METcalcpy to aggregate and plot the HSS_EC statistic from the MCTS line type (#107)
Reorganize the METcalcpy directory structure to separate the statistics modules from the pre-processing, diagnostics, and util modules (#125)
Add bootstrap package classes (#96)
Add pingouin package classes (#98)
Update documentation to reference GitHub Discussions instead of MET Help (#100)
Implement Auto- and Cross- Covariance and -Correlation Function Estimation function for Revision series for MODE-TD (#121)
Add copyright information to all Python source code (#150)
Fixed CTC statistics for the ROC diagram (#77)
update input parameters for test_agg_stats_with_groups script with GROUP_SEPARATOR (#138)
permutations are not created if the list is passed as a parameter (#136)
plots with groups with date values don’t get created (#122)
Prepare data for a line plot with different forecast variables plotted on y1 and y2 axis (#113)
Histogram plots can’t be generated due to incorrect sys.modules path (#209)