User’s Guide

Foreword: A note to METcalcpy users

This User’s guide is provided as an aid to users of METcalcpy. METcalcpy is a Python version of the statistics calculation functionality of METviewer, METexpress, plotting packages in METplotpy and is a stand-alone package for any other application. It is also a component of the unified METplus verification framework. More details about METplus can be found on the METplus website.

It is important to note here that METcalcpy is an evolving software package. This documentation describes the 3.0.0-dev release dated 2024-11-13. Intermediate releases may include bug fixes. METcalcpy is also able to accept new modules contributed by the community. If you have code you would like to contribute, we will gladly consider your contribution. Please create a post in the METplus GitHub Discussions Forum. We will then determine if we will be able to include the contribution in a future version.

Model Evaluation Tools Calc Py (METcalcpy) TERMS OF USE - IMPORTANT!

Copyright 2024, UCAR/NCAR, NOAA, CSU/CIRA, and CU/CIRES Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The citation for this User’s Guide should be:

Fisher, H., C. Kalb, D. Adriaansen, D. Fillmore, M. Win-Gildenmeister, T. Burek, M. Smith, and T. Jensen, 2024: The METcalcpy Version 3.0.0-dev User’s Guide. Developmental Testbed Center. Available at:


We thank all of the METplus sponsors including: DTC partners (NOAA, NCAR, USAF, and NSF), along with NOAA/Office of Atmospheric Research (OAR), NOAA/National Weather Service, NOAA/Joint Technology Transfer Program (JTTI), NOAA/Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Project, NOAA/Unified Forecast System Research to Operations Project (UFS R2O), Met Office and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Thanks also go to the staff at the Developmental Testbed Center for their help, advice, and many types of support. Finally, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is sponsored by NSF.

Indices and tables